meet Francisca
Francisca has a wonderful humor and is constantly making everyone laugh. She is 46 years old and has had a tough life. She was born and raised in Mallma-Ocongate. At the age of 12, she became a mother for the first time. Francisca and her husband went on to have 7 children in total; Hugo, Bertha, Reyna, Evangelina, Roxana, Elvis and Melani. The oldest being 34 and the youngest being 5 years old. Francisco says it has not been easy, but life has taught her to be strong and have a smile on her face for her family. She teaches each of her daughters the traditions of working with alpaca, everyday caring for them. She loves to cook for her family and to be surrounded by all her children. Life's challenges have made her a wise woman, who we greatly admire.
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